Word From the Holy Spirit November 11, 2003 [Note: Brother Freedom and I were just sitting in my living room visiting on Veterans Day. We were in the midst of our own conversation. Freedom was in the middle of saying something when his eyes snapped closed. His voice stopped abruptly...then a language, unknown to either of us, poured forth for about ten seconds. Just as abruptly the following words from God's Throne room issued forth. I must say that we were like two railroad men sitting in a dusty station, making small talk, when suddenly the telegraph key came alive. I try to always keep a small tape recorder ready, because we never know the instant that the Holy Ghost is going to pour forth a telegram from Heaven's shores. After it was over Freedom had little recollection of what was even said. Here is what God telegraphed through the lips of HIS servant.] I AM here to declare that I AM the living God. I AM the God of "our fathers." I AM the God of Israel. And I AM also the God of America. I the Lord thy God established this Land many years ago. And I developed this Land that MY Word should go forth in this last hour. And I say I the Lord thy God have caused this Land to be fruitful and multiply. And many wonderful things have happened in this glorious Land. I have seen the greatness come forth. And I have seen knowledge develop. I have seen inventions come forth. I have seen mighty thrusts that have proclaimed through this mighty Land, that only I the Lord thy God can do and *CHOOSE* to do. For I AM HE that giveth all things. And I AM HE that knoweth all things, saith the Spirit of God. For I AM HE that even moved in the hearts of those that are very small, in their own sight. I AM HE that calleth those that do not see themselves as anything, saith the Spirit of God. For those that will dissolve themselves, under MY mighty hand, to those that will submit themselves to ME and dissolve themselves *AS NOTHING,* yea AS CHAFF, I the Lord thy God shall take that chaff and I shall bring forth pure gold. And I shall bring forth a vessel, a heart, a life that will be for MY praise, for MY glory. And I will institute upon them MY heavenly flow from Heaven. And I say even MY angels shall guard around about them. And I say when they speak it will be not those that will speak, but through MY power will speak through them. It will be such that *I SPEAK*, saith the Spirit of God. And they will dissolve many problems. And they will dissolve many heartaches. And they will NOT be defeated. And they will not break forth rank. And I the Lord thy God shall deliver them with a mighty hand. And I shall *STRENGTHEN* them this day, and I say this day, forevermore, And for those that will call upon ME, yea I the Lord thy God shall BLESS them. For I say, this Land: I have blessed this Land. And I have given this Land MUCH fruit. I have given this Land MUCH harvest. And I have given them MUCH increase. And I have given them MUCH wealth. I have developed this Land. And they have a potential of being a godly country, saith the Spirit of God. They have a potential to go forth, and I would DELIVER them. But I say, through the ungodliness, [that] has crept into this Land, has taken over, I say this is not no longer SO, saith the Spirit of God. I choose to do MY will. And I choose to go forth. Many times I give forth those that do not know ME, yea I give them, impart MY strength to them that they might even do MY will. They do not know WHY, even as the President of this Land, he does not know ME in that way, but yet I have ordained him. I have helped him. And I have chosen him for this hour, that he might be strong in the Lord. For I have given him guidance. I have given him directions, through prayer, through the edification of MY blessings, from MY Spirit upon them. And I shall open the *EYES* of those this day. And I shall CAUSE them to think of ME, saith the Spirit of God. And I shall CAUSE those no longer to rest in their own selves, in their own impurities, and in their own lusts, their own pride, their own hatefulness, their own GUILE, the problems that have brought this Nation down. But I the Lord thy God shall choose to lift them up into CLEANNESS, that they will no longer speak evil, but they will speak good. They will no longer lust, but they will love one another. And they will no longer hate, but they will have LOVE of God. And I the Lord thy God have chosen forth that MY people might be *MIGHTY* in this last hour, that they might institute MY BLESSINGS. For I say MY coming is soon. I bring forth MY reward with ME, saith the Spirit of God. And for those that will cast their cares upon ME, and those that will humble themselves unto ME in this last hour, which I say in themselves is very hard to complete WITHOUT MY POWER. It is very hard to complete the task that I have for MY ones in this last hour, unless they be filled *WITH* *MY* *HOLY* *GHOST,* saith the Spirit of God. But for those that will be FILLED WITH MY HOLY GHOST, I the Lord thy God shall, it will be MY delight to BLESS them. It will be MY delight to go wrap MY arms around them, and the Holy Ghost, and through Jesus Christ the righteous, and *WE*, God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, will do a *MIGHTY* work and go forth. And there will be a mighty **SPLENDOR**. There will be a holiness. There will be a decree that comes forth that will be VICTORY. IT will be VICTORIOUS, because it will be happy LIVING, saith the Spirit of God. Come unto ME all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I shall give you rest. Take MY yoke upon you. Learn of ME, for I AM meek and lowly, and ye shall find *REST* in your soul. I say that very soon the worried and the weary will never find no rest. I say for the unbelieving will not find rest. For the back biter, for the whoremonger will not find rest. For that one that insults, they will not find rest. For that one, that evil doer will not find rest. But I say to those that will call upon ME, to those that will come into MY presence, and come with MY Spirit, and be involved in the power of the Holy Ghost from Heaven, I the Lord thy God shall move upon them, and I shall put a mighty MARK upon them. And they shall be VICTORIOUS! And their eyes shall see things that the World does not see. And they shall *HEAR* from ME things that the World cannot hear. And they shall KNOW the pathway. For the pathway that I have for them will be very clear to them. And I shall strengthen them in the time and the place that they shall enter in. And I the Lord thy God have called thee to "be not afraid." But I say for the World, for those that do not know ME, they should be *VERY* afraid, because I say there is going to be perilous times. There is going to be HARDSHIPS. There is going to be HARD living for those that do not KNOW ME. But I say the balances are going to be balanced very soon. And I say the spiritual man is going to be thrust off by like a mighty artesian power from HEAVEN! And he is going to move forth as a MIGHTY STREAM from Heaven. And I say the natural man that has played and does not know ME, TRULY, by the power of God, I say they will vanish away! And they will wish they had not chose the pathway that they find themselves slipping back through a *DARK* ravine. That where they wished they should have gone for and stayed on that ground of SOLID rock, that the power of the Holy Ghost through Jesus Christ, the SOLID rock. And they [the one in the Spirit] would be inspired by that vessel. They would be inspired by the leadership of the power of God. That they would know the counsel. That they would know the direction. And they would know the peace that passes understanding, and the joy of the Lord is their strength. And they will not be afraid. They will not be afraid to go forth because they shall be a prepared people. They shall be a MIGHTY people. They shall be a joyful people. They shall be a HOLY people. And they shall be a POWERFUL people. And they will walk in victory. And they will walk praising ME. And they will PRAISE ME. And they will glorify ME, saith the Spirit of God. And they will walk VICTORIOUS over death, grave and Hell. For I the Lord thy God have chosen this to come to a pass, saith the Spirit of God. [A few moments later another prophecy exploded forth from the Lord.] I the Lord thy God see MY people this day. And I say MY people are not very happy. MY people are very sad. They look for pleasures. They look for trips. They look for things of this World, to make themselves happy. But I say they will not find happiness in this World. They will not find peace in what they are following. For I say MY churches are planning GREAT trips for their senior citizens. They are doing great messages for those that are planning GREAT *THINGS*. But I say these things will not bring forth joy. And I say they will not bring forth peace. And they will lose their peace. They will lose there joy, for those that venture this way. But I say those that will spend their time on their knees, in this last hour, because I say the time is very short. There is NOT MUCH **TIME**, saith the Spirit of God. WHY DO THEY *CHOOSE* TO GO OFF FOR THINGS THAT DO NOT PAY??? I say I pay MUCH weight. I give MUCH gifts to those that will seek MY face. I say for those that will seek ME, I AM going to profit them above *ALL* measure. And I shall give them a cup above *ALL* measure. And I say that cup shall overflow. And I shall BLESS them with heavenly blessings. I shall *BLESS* them with a heavenly mansion. And I shall BLESS them with heavenly jewels. And I shall BLESS them with MY gold. I shall BLESS them with MY silver. I shall BLESS them! Beyond this, I shall BLESS them internally, within themselves. I will BLESS them because they are MINE! And what is MINE is theirs. And theirs is MINE. For we are one to the other! I have given MY wealth to those that will seek MY face, to those that call upon MY face. I have given MY wealth for those. While I AM **NEAR** MY people MUST call upon ME, because I say very shortly I say that distance may be **LONG** away from many! I say that distance, that closeness of MY Spirit, they may not have that chance to go and reach out and touch ME. But I say I shall keep covenant to those that will seek ME this hour, that I give them a GUARANTEE, says the Spirit of God. For those that will call upon ME in THIS hour, I the Lord thy God shall be with THEM to the *VERY* end, saith the Spirit of God! For it is MY *WILL,* that MY Word to produce MY blessings upon those that will follow after ME, to those that touch MY heart, and bring joy to ME, it is MY *DELIGHT* to bless them in a mighty way. And I shall *ENLARGE* their border. And I shall give them peace. And I shall *USE* them as a MIGHTY artesian well in this last hour. And they will NOT EXHAUST out the blessings, NO LONGER! I say they shall have an over flow of ME within them! And I shall grant them MY love. I shall grant them MY peace! And I shall grant them MY power! And I say even when they SPEAK the enemy will flee from them! And when they go, those round about will not even want to FACE them, because MY glory shall be upon them. And MY BLESSINGS shall be upon MY ones. And for that reason I say many, many, many back sliders, because they [the back sliders] are so hardened within themselves will not even look your way. But I say, be not concerned! For I say thy heart has been RIGHT with ME. And I say there comes a time when these people cannot be changed. And I say at that time it is fruitless to keep venturing in bringing change to these ones who do NOT bring change. But I say that is why, in this last hour, MY people **MUST** *WALK* in the *SPIRIT*! Because the flesh does not know how to REACT to the spiritual problems that is before them. And I say, this body that thou livest in cannot be CONCERNED, no longer, with the welfare of this World. Thou must be concerned about the SPIRITUAL things. And I say in this last days MY people shall ADJUST themselves. And those that will seek MY face, I the Lord thy God shall move upon them. And it will be **MY** ADJUSTMENT WITHIN them! And I shall move upon them in a mighty message from Heaven. And they shall SPEAK MY Word. And they shall *NOT* lose out! And I shall GRANT them an inheritance that fades not away. And they shall have JOY forevermore, saith the Spirit of God.