A Teaching from the Throne Room followed by a Prophetic Word May 13, 2003 [The recording begins as Brother Freedom comes under an anointing as he is speaking of those in God's will who are following]...the things of God, and they are no longer caring about the things of this World. They are here to be a BLESSING. They are here to receive from God. They are here to pray as God would pray through them, and they will take up the Cross, the Cross of Jesus, and bear the cares round about them with gladness, that the joy of the Lord shall be their strength. And they shall cast their blessings upon God. And they will be a BLESSING to their sister, their brother. And they will have the presence of God upon them. They will have the anointing of God. And they will be the shelter, the protection for those that is going through trials, for those that are sick, for those that is down hearted, those that do not know the way, that have lost the way, that you will have that closeness and the awareness of God, that you will be that touch that they need. The World needs this day: they need PEOPLE who will be so full of God that they will walk by the presence of God. And God wants to re-enforce us. HE wants to BLESS us, that HE wants to use us for HIS glory, and we will mount up with wings as eagles. We will run and not be weary. We will walk and not faint. Glory to God, that our eyes will no longer be fastened upon the lusts of this World, the things that bring the World down. We don't, no longer, need the lust, the pain that comes forth, contributes after we have had lust, that we, all men, DIE because the spirit man cannot live when we take on the things of this World, the things that God seen. As Adam died spiritually when he took that apple we DIE when we take on the cares of this World. And God has made a way this hour that we can escape. After we can have, the old corruption can be put off. And we put on the new man, which is the Lord Jesus Christ, that we receive the immortality of *GOD,* the faithfulness of God upon us, that God's witness within us in such a way that we put on HIS NATURE, the nature of God, the blessings of God, the fulfillment of God. That we can be VICTORIOUS, even [when] the odds are against us, when the enemy comes in like a flood. The enemy comes in to destroy us. The enemy comes in to kill us. The enemy comes to take what we have from God. But [with] God we can become *VICTORIOUS* through the power of the Spirit of God. Hallelujah! That we receive that refreshing from Heaven. We need that refreshing! We need that touch from God constantly. "Constantly abiding, Jesus is mine." [A verse from an old hymn.] We need that precious gift of love, joy, peace, goodness, meekness, temperance and patience, the things that are God, to be VITAL in our life. Glory to God! That when people see us they do not see an individual. They don't see us as a hard person. They don't see us as a wicked person. But they see the LOVE. They see the joy. They see the peace. They see the presence of God within us. We become [a] reflection of Jesus. We take on the image of God. We take on the NATURE of God, that God can be THRILLED when HE sees, when HE smiles down and sees [a] faithful son. "Thou good and faithful son, you are doing what I want you to do." And God smiles as we take the responsibility, that we would no longer be defeated, but we would walk in VICTORY, because we are refreshed from Heaven. Oh Glory to God! Glory to God. GLORY to God! Hallelujah. Hallelujah. [A few minutes later the following prophetic Word came.] ...the anointing that we might receive the blessings of God, that we may be THRILLED from the very crown of our head to the very soul of our feet, that we might be inspired from on high to go forth and do the will of God, that we might be favored with God by such a blessing upon us that HIS armies would be with us. And we would go forth VICTORIOUS over death, grave and Hell. And in this World that we might be triumphant in this leadership of God. God wants to incorporate that in HIS church, in this last hours, in such a way that the church cannot even understand it! They have been duped! The church has been *FOOLED* by the powers of this World, that they don't want it. But it is what can SAVE them. And if they don't have it in this last days they will miss it because God is coming, not by might nor by power, but by HIS Spirit, saith the Lord. And we, most of it, God's churches, would be, the people would be *AFRAID* to be in the churches because of the Spirit. They have *LEFT* that which would TAKE them, and they went to FABLES of the World. They have LEFT their first love. And they have LEFT what God has given them. God has given them a MIGHTY ship to Heaven! And they have gotten out of that ship and they are on little raft-boats right now, and lifeboats. They are not going to sail very long. They are going to sink! And that ship that will take them, the Ship of Life is leaving on it's way towards Heaven. And God said, "All aboard, All ABOARD MY ship! COME unto ME all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you REST. Take MY yoke upon you. Learn of ME for I AM meek and lowly and ye shall find rest in your soul. Casting all your cares; no longer cast your cares on the sea of life! But cast your cares upon ME, saith the Spirit of God! Bring all your problems to ME, saith the Spirit of God, casting all your cares upon ME for I care for you. Be ye SOBER. MY people, it is time that you be sober. MY people, it is time to take heed, the things that you have heard. MY people it is TIME to register. It is a time to sign up that you are going to Heaven. You need to take time, take heed to the things that God has called you. Oh that you might be faithful, that you might receive that adoption from Heaven, that MY people might be READY when I come through the clouds of glory. And MY Ship is taking orders right now, for those to engage themselves, to come on that Ship of Life. It will go towards Heaven. And I say, many, many, many are NOT coming. Many have lost their first love. Many have lost that first touch from Heaven. They have lost that vision, that they once loved others, and they wanted to see souls saved, and they had a joy in their heart. They had peace in their heart. But I say, many, many, many have LOST this. And I say they have taken and sold their birthright for a mess of pottage. They have lost their birthright and given it. They have LOST IT for just a LUST, a problem that was NOT fulfilling, and it wasn't LASTING, saith the Spirit of God! Many have LOST and left, bought out, and sold for a mere morsel, saith the Spirit of God. But I AM coming through the clouds of glory, and those that will look up to ME, and call upon ME, I the Lord thy God shall restore them. And I shall bring victory to them. And I shall move upon them in a mighty way. And I shall touch them. And I shall adorn them, for I say MY church, MY church BE YE READY for I AM coming soon, saith the Spirit of God. I AM ready, saith the Spirit of God, but MY people are not ready! MY people have gone after fables. They have gone after storytellers. They are going after great teachings. And they have left out MY Spirit. They have left out the part that can change them, that can help them, that can bring JOY to them. But I say many of MY people have a joy to some degree, but it is NOT the REAL joy! I say MY Joy is beyond joy in this World. MY joy is a substance that brings forth a BLESSING of MY beloved, saith the Spirit of God. It is LASTING! It shelters them! It protects them. It guides them. It directs them! MY Joy is *ME!* MY Joy is the things that you need: joy, peace, goodness. Those are the things that you need of ME, saith the Spirit of God. And they come through MY Spirit. MY Spirit it the *ONE.* It is the CARRIER of MY gifts. IT is the *CARRIER* of MY works. It is the CARRIER of those that will come to ME, and they that will cast their cares upon ME, and come and let MY Spirit move upon them, I shall BLESS them, and I shall TOUCH them in a NEW way, a new direction. And I shall KEEP them. And I shall HOLD TO THEM. And I will *HOLD* them. And I shall love them! And I say these ones in the World, they can have Doctor Rubboard in their life. And they can have this other ones in their life. And I say they are going to have "rub-boards." And they are going to have false cares of this World. They can be promised, and they promise great and mighty things. But I say these GREAT words that they promise will not take them through. And they shall be *LEFT* standing without hope. And they will *STAND,* and feel defeated. And I say at that last days they shall be *DISCOURAGED.* And they shall be VERY wounded within theirselves because they have left a great price at the table. And I say that table has been made in full for everyone. But I say many have left the table. I have given them a table, a full meal. I have wanted to bless them. And I say they have gotten up and left MY table. And I wanted to bless them. I wanted to wash their feet. I wanted to touch their hands. I wanted to caress them. I wanted to give them the greatest food that I can give them. I have given them spiritual blessings. And I wanted to touch them. Again I say they got away, and I prepared great, great, great things, NOW. But I say at that day, for those that will invest in ME, there shall be a banquet that no man, no woman has ever seen. And it is going to be the GREATEST day that has ever been, saith the Spirit of God. It is beyond, beyond descriptions, saith the Spirit of God. And it is going to be a glorious time. It is going to be a day of GREAT wealth! It is going to be a time, extravagant time. It is going to be a time when there is GREAT jewels, and great everything that you cannot imagine. And I say this is FOR MY people. This is for MY *BRIDE.* MY Bride: Make ready MY Bride, for I AM coming soon, saith the Spirit of God.