Word From the Holy Spirit October 13, 2001 MY people, be not afraid. For, I the Lord thy God hath chosen thee, that thou might rise above the problems that thou has faced. That thou might arise above the sin that is around thee. That thou would arise because of the mire, and because of where thy life is. I say, oh mortal man, thou art not able to contest against the problems that thou art facing. I say, mortal pastors cannot contest, no longer, with the problems they are facing. I say it takes the Spirit-man, the Spirit-woman to be able to guide, direct them at this last hour. And I say, be not afraid, what thy eyes see. So, thou shall see whoredoms of things that thou does not understand. When thou questions anything it is MY will for thee, if thou does not know, it is no sin. But, at that time QUESTION what thou does not know. And I say, if thou shall come and pray to ME over that object, it is no sin. But I shall cause thee, if thou shall learn more and more, that I shall give thee a greater discipline. And I shall give thee a greater focus. And I shall give thee greater discernment, as thou shall learn of ME and call upon ME, continually, I shall let thee grow as the Star from Heaven! And, I shall bestow upon thee MY trust, and MY blessings shall be upon thee, and MY anointing shall rest over thee, IN THEE, ABOUT THEE. I say the World, the Church World, does not understand thee. But I say, those that are led by MY Spirit in this last hour shall RECEIVE the trust from Heaven. For I shall trust MY people in the way that they will KNOW that I will bless their GOD that they love. And I shall use them. And I shall create with them a new power, new strength. And, they shall not be moved upon by the kingdoms and the thrones of this World. But, they shall be moved on by the *ONE* that they love, the *ONE* that loves them, and the *ONE* that will KEEP them. And I call thee that thou will be a people in the last hour, that thou would be instrumental in leading many OVER from the failures that they have faced. And many will be brought out of the fire. Because of thy life, I say many, that would be facing eternal damnation will be saved because of thy faithfulness, because of thy prayers, because of thy faith in ME. That I, the Lord thy God, could use thy prayers, that thy prayers should change and save MANY. That thou can believe this day, that I the Lord shall inspire thee, and ye shall be a BLESSING because I say this World, yes even this United States is FAILING. I say, many have failed because they think this hour is well. But, I say, there god is still not the TRUE God, of the God that you see up here this day. It [their false god] is not the God of the Holy Ghost. It is the god of the World! For I say, as you are finding thy body weak. And I say, there is weakness in ALL of thee MY ones. Remember, your strength is not in thine own self, it is not within thine own structure, because, I say, thou has many PROBLEMS within thyself. But aye [yes], in this last hour, it is MY desire to take a vapor, which is thy life, and to take that vapor and go against problems that is rooted and grounded, and strongholds of the enemy. And I say, through that vapor, through MY power within that vapor, that I am able to snuff that problem that has been cased in GRANITE, to be broken, that has been cased by the powers of darkness, to be SHATTERED, because of thy steadfastness within thee. Remember, thou art like a vapor. Thou art with no potential, within thyself. But, as thou can release, BELIEVE THIS, I in believing shall release GREAT strength to those that can accept this. And I shall be rooted in their lives to the degree that the World will not see that vapor. But, they will see, in reality, the POWER OF GOD that is able to dissolve problems that are round about thee, that MY church shall bring HEALING, and bring LOVE upon the ones that it ministers to. For I call forth this last days those that will be POSITIVE in serving ME. And they shall rejoice because their joy is their strength. I AM their strength! And MY people need to realize that there is HARD times before the church. There is hard times before America. And I say, this Land that thou faces, very shortly, may and shall be dissolved by FIRE. It shall come to pass. But I say, MY church will be, probably, gone before this comes to pass, saith the Spirit of God. For I AM coming soon, and I say no one knows that time, only the Father, only. But I say, MY church, that day is very short. That day is very appropriated time, as you see these things coming to pass look up, your redemption draweth nigh. It IS the will of the Father, MY Father to see HIS children crying upon HIM: "Oh, Father, COME. Father, COME!" But, I say, MY church is NOT praying for MY coming! MY church is AFRAID of MY coming! MY church, many say, "It is many years off." But, I say that coming is soon. MY church MUST be calling upon ME and say, "Lord! COME quickly! We do not want to lose that inheritance! We do not want to lose what you have given us!" MY church needs to PRAY, call upon the God of Heaven, the KING of KINGS, because I say, this message is heavy this day. It is HEAVY because I AM calling for a LOVING people, a people that will believe that I AM the LIVING GOD. And I say, MY desire IS that HOME COMING will be soon, ALL of MY subjects, who have loved ME, who have fought for ME, who have paid the price, who have lived in this filth of this Land, lived in the mire, the decay of this World, that have come through victorious, it is MY TIME, and MY blessed will that they will be brought, before THAT time. And they shall receive their rewards, which shall live on ETERNALLY. Look to ME. But, I say, DO NOT listen to everyone that says, "Thus, saith the Lord." I say, take HEED to the things which thou has heard, lest at anytime thou would let them slip. REMEMBER, MY words have to be ANOINTED, saith the Spirit of God. Without the anointing there is NO POWER, there is NO AVAIL. But, MY church needs to realize, this last days, there is POWER through the anointing. There is POWER through the move of MY Spirit!! There is POWER!! I say, MY Word comes DEAD, without the Spirit of God. MY Spirit wants to ANOINT MY Words. MY Spirit [and the Word] goes together, and they become the POWER that brings life in this last hour. I AM here that MY church would live, that MY people would live, that MY people would have a STRENGTH and have a visitation in this last hour. Thus saith the Spirit of God.