Word from the Holy Spirit May 19, 2001 ...learn to rest in the Lord your God. Learn to call upon HIM when HE is near. For I AM seeking those in these last days who will seek ME, will call upon ME. But I say, there is a World, round about thee, MY ones, and they call, and they have MY Name on their shoulders. They have MY Name on their lives. But I say, truly, they do not believe in MY strength. They forget. They forget about MY blessings. And, they have gone their own ways. They have went in their own willful way, that they might receive their own attire, that they might be clothed *NOT* with MY Holy Spirit, but they would be clothed with the natural man. Did not I say that the natural man cannot receive the things from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, for they are spiritually discerned?? For I AM seeking those who this day that will *TRUST* ME, that will learn to lean upon ME, to call upon ME, to believe ME through faith. To THOSE I will reward in this last hour, because I say very perilous times shall come to those in this last hour. And I say *MANY* shall lose their vision. Many shall see the things of this World, and shall forget about the deliverance of their God. Those who have been delivered, times past, they will forget *THAT*. And they will forget about the times that I have blest them. They will forget about the times that I have healed them! And I say this is what is going on in MY church this hour! They have forgotten MY love. They have went back to their *OWN* searching, their *OWN* way. And they have been calling upon ME to do *THEIR* will. And I say, they have forgotten that they are to do MY will, not their will! I say that I have called those in a time of troubles, through a difficult time. And I say this day, there is a difficult time upon this Earth. There is a visitation *NOT* *FROM* *ME* this day. And I say, MANY do NOT know *ME*. And that voice they are hearing, they think it is from the Lord their God, but it is not *TRULY* from the Lord their God. It is from another way. And I say, there is going to be great deception in this last hour. There shall be great deception in the churches! There shall be great deception! And I say, it will take the elect, those that *KNOW* *MY* *SPIRIT*, to be able to discern what is right from wrong. And I say, that is why MY Spirit must be impacted. MY Spirit must be upon their lives. MY Spirit must be in their hearts! MY Spirit must be in their lives in such a supernatural way that they are not led no longer by the carnality of the old man. And they will be beyond THAT! They will receive what the Spirit says! And I say, in this last days, I say that even thy voice through the voices of the way of this World shall be grafted. It shall be pulled upon, and to be searched out. And I say, it shall be heard through many nations. I say the voices now can be transfered through men's technology. But I say, I have a people BEYOND that. I have a people that learn, and they will transfer those thoughts *THROUGH* *THE* *SPIRIT*! And I say, there is NO WAY, that NO ONE, no imp from Hell can come against MY SPIRIT. And if MY people would learn to pray, to seek MY face, IN THE SPIRIT OF GOD: I AM able to talk to them, to commune with them, to guide them, daily, to move upon them by MY Spirit. But I say, MY churches have started well in this. Their beginning was great. But I say, instead of getting to a bigger realm, a higher realm, they have *FORGOTTEN* *ME*. And NOW their realm is far beneath THAT! They are BENEATH where they started from! And I say, MY people must learn to start, and to go UP, not down! MY people must learn to call upon *MY* Name, and I will respect them. And, I shall BLESS them, and I shall ANOINT them. MY church has FORGOTTEN their living God that has brought them through this World, and has cared for them, who has brought peace in their life, who has won many wars to come to this Nation. And they have forgotten the Hand that has delivered them, that has brought PEACE to this Nation. And through *THAT* MY people have forgotten **ME**, saith the Spirit of God. For I AM looking for those, in this last hour that will ARM themselves with the Spirit of God. They will clothe themselves with the Holy Ghost from Heaven. And with those they shall receive the voice from God Himself. And they shall have the mind of Christ within their lives. And they will have a visitation of the mighty Spirit of God that *THEY MIGHT NOT HEAR* the lawlessness that is going upon this Land, the things that are DAMNABLE to the souls of men. And, they will not even hear this! For they shall be BLESSED. For their spirit will not hear these willful, ungodly things. But they will hear "what saith the Spirit of God." They shall have a peace like a mighty river. And I say, that peace shall flow through their being. Their countenance shall flow. Their inheritance shall be upon them. And I say, when they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover. And if they move upon it, it will only be upon *MY* will. And they will not be FORCEFUL in the things that they do. For I say, MY church has learned to be forceful. But I say, MY church needs to be HUMBLE. MY church needs to come into SUBMISSION of MY will. And I say, MY church must have a loving heart, a loving heart, a loving touch, that they might reach out to an angry, and a sin cursed land. Even though the problems are so great MY church needs to be sweet in their soul in these last hours. MY church needs to have COMPASSION. MY church needs to understand [that] if it wasn't for *MY* grace, that is where they would be. Without *MY* love, MY strength they would be there, saith the Spirit of God. MY church must understand that it is by *MY* will. MY grace has brought them thus far. MY grace shall keep them through the principalities, the powers that would come upon this World. I AM *ABLE* to deliver those ones. For I say this Land is facing GREAT problems. I say, there is going to be many manifestations of wrong things that is going to come to pass. But I say, look up, your redemption draweth nigh. And did not I say, if did not I shorten these days, that the very elect would not be able to stand. I say, the enemy will come in like a flood, but I the Lord thy God shall deliver those that will trust in *ME*. And I shall give them strength. For I say, through this Land, there shall be things that look like *ME*. There shall be great deceptions in America, this Land. There shall be GREAT things that will not be really by MY Spirit. And I say, through that, many shall fall. Many shall be drawn from their quarters, and they shall be outcast because of their separation of [or from] MY Spirit. I AM calling this day, that MY people might REVIVE through MY Spirit, that they might call upon *ME*. that they might CHALLENGE, and not be challenged by MY Spirit. Come to *ME* this day and I shall help thee in a mighty way. COME TO *ME*, and I shall bless thee. Seek MY face, and I shall anoint those ones that shall trust *ME*. Come close, come close and I shall shelter thee, like the hen covers her chicks, so will I protect thee in this last hour. For I loveth thee MY ones. Come, seek MY face and thou shall be found with MY presence around about thee. And thou shall have a *BLESSING* on this side. And I say, for the eternities thou shall be blessed because thou has been faithful, saith the Spirit of God. [A second word] ...[I will] REWARD thee! I remember those ones who have put their trust in ME. And I remember that toil. It does not go as undone. It is NOT forgotten, says the Spirit of God! It is remembered! And I shall be remembered. Did not I say if thou shall give a cup of water, in MY Name, that I will remember it?? For I remember those. I remember thy toil. I remember thy labor of thy hands. For I say, it is MY will, MY blessings to touch those ones, to create within them that are lacking, that MY blessings shall be upon them, that I would anoint them, oh saith the Spirit of God.