Word From The Holy Spirit December 28, 1995 For I AM here to shine in MY light, that thou might shine as stars from Heaven. And I say, thy worth is NOT in this World. I say, if thou art part of ME, and thou art part of MY blood line, and thou art the seed of Abraham, and thou art the seed of Isaac, and thou art grafted in by MY love, and thou has been grafted in this night, yea, through that grafting in, I say, MY people must come to a place of higher calling, of a higher place. For I shall lift MY people above the problems of this World. And I shall move upon MY people through the power of MY HOLY ONE, and HE shall guide them! But I say, if MY people will resist that ONE, the HOLY ONE that lives within them, and they do not allow their lives to come to a place that HE can live wholesomely within them, they have a defeat within themselves! I say, the Land is unstable, it is unfruitful! But, MY people must realize that they must make a place for the HOLY ONE to dwell within. And they must abstain from all appearance of evil. They must seek ME as they have never sought ME before! For I say, the enemy has come to sift and deceive, and to move upon MY people. He has deceived MY people! And he is coming as waves of darkness! And I say, those waves of darkness have entered many of MY churches! And I say, the powers, the waves of the enemy you can see its effect on many of MY people. MY people have gone very discouraged. I say, MY people no longer love MY SPIRIT! They no longer look to MY move of MY mighty hands! But I say, they are moved upon by the powers [tricky powers of darkness], and yet that power becomes a religious realm. And through that religious realm they live, they move, through THEIR being. But, MY people must come to a higher ground, to a higher level! And I say, if MY people can come to a higher level, yea, I the LORD thy GOD shall move upon thee, and I shall bless thee, and I shall strengthen them. But I say, the load is hard, the way is treacherous. And I say, only through the guidance of MY HOLY GHOST are MY people able to move out and come to the times of NOT seeing what is before them! MY people have to trust totally in ME! I have to be the eyes of MY people! They cannot see the darkness, the darts that is before them. They cannot see the enemy that is waiting there to lurch [spring out] against them. They cannot understand the deception [by which] he has come against MY ones. But I say, I know all things! And I say, if MY people shall come to ME, completely, and through MY SPIRIT would MY EYE be, that I AM that HOLY GOD!! And with that I love MY people. And I say, if MY people will come to ME, just seek ME through one degree, I the LORD thy GOD shall RALLY to those ones that will just barely seek ME. For I AM here this day that even that one will have just a slight quiver of a candle, just that slight motion, the spark of fire, I the LORD thy GOD shall challenge that one. And I say, I shall make that one to become a "move from Heaven." And it shall be as an artesian well, only through FIRE! It shall do a work. And, I say, I shall rekindle that fire! And that fire shall glow brilliantly before thy pathway. And thy pathway will not be darkened. For I the LORD thy God, if thou shall just call upon ME, and seek MY NAME, and just come, *DESIRE* ME, that thou might grow. I AM seeking this night! I AM calling MY people, all over, MY people to come close. *COME CLOSE MY ONES*!!!! For I AM calling forth a people that will be prepared to be ready. For I say, MY coming is soon, saith the Spirit of God. I AM coming through the clouds of glory. And, I AM prepared to come for MY bride. And MY bride must be made ready this night. MY bride must be purified through the blood of the LAMB. MY bride must be purified to become an overcomer. For I have given thee MY strength. I have given thee MY SPIRIT. I have given thee MY SON. I have given thee ALL through the SPIRIT of GOD, saith the Spirit of God. I AM here to counsel with thee, saith the Spirit of GOD. I AM here to commune with thee. I AM here to greet thee and welcome thee, and to pardon thee, to bless thee, with MY arms outstretched. And I would rekindle the fire that has been put out, that I would disturb the works of darkness, [which] has once removed that want that I have. And I shall rekindle and move a work unto MY people, even though they have been moved upon, even after I have once known them. And yea, though they will look back. I still loveth MY people! And I have compassion on the back slider this night! For those this night that are in open sin, MY ones, I say, thou must seek MY face! And, call their names to ME, that they might come back to MY hallow of MY hand. For the enemy has disturbed! He has come against many of MY ones. And I AM calling forth a people this last hours that would work in MY SPIRIT, would pray and seek MY face. For I say, this night, be not afraid of ME. For I love thee! I say, fear the enemy! FEAR THE ENEMY! Do not fear ME! FEAR ME ONLY THAT THOU WOULD WALK BEFORE ME! Come before ME, for I loveth thee! I AM what you need this last days, saith the Spirit of God! I say, it is not by might of this World, nor power of this World, but is MY Spirit that thou needest OH MAN, OH WOMAN! Thou needest ME and thou must reply this to this World! They need ME this last hour. They need the move of MY Spirit! They need to walk in MY SPIRIT! They need to have their movement through ME, their being! And I say, their mouths need to be moved by ME, also! Their mouths need to be ordained by ME, that no guile comes from their tongue, no longer! I say, many of MY people are in unbelief this night! They speak unbelief! They speak guile! They speak untruth! I WISH MY CHURCH TO ARISE FROM THIS, that MY people would speak righteousness! MY "speech" [HIS people can be HIS "speech"] would come beyond this and they would walk in faith, believing, and trusting in the ONE that loves them, that they would have holy communion with their LOVER, the ONE that loves them! And they would walk, upright before ME in OBEDIENCE, that they would no longer fulfill the lusts of the flesh, that they would walk in true obedience. For I say, before thee the road is hard! And I say, before the World, the road is *VERY* hard! And, I say, there is great joy through many people in these last days. They want the World! And I say, for a moment, yes, there is great, great pleasure in the World! But I say, that pleasure is NOT lasting! I say, drugs IS [one of those pleasures that do not last]! I say there is many in the City that are on drugs. They are on drugs! But I say, that pleasure will only be for a season! And I say, the enemy will take many of them! I say, cigarettes is only for a season! And I say, it becomes a hardship of many of those that have taken that! Yes, I forgive them! I give them strength. But I say sin has a weight of obligation. And I say, it brings forth a stain. It brings forth marks! And it brings forth a defeat. Yea, even though I save them, yea, they still have the mark from the enemy, because it is in their life! And I wish MY people would come beyond this! Because, I say, this last days, the enemy wants to mark MY people to the degree that they are ashamed to come to ask ME! They are ashamed, because they have lost their first love! And through that shame they are afraid to call upon MY Name! And I say, they have been deceived by the enemy! This night, be not afraid MY ones! I say, I see thy pathway. For, I loveth thee MY ones! Call upon MY Name! Seek ME and ye shall find ME! Call upon ME, and I will answer thee! For I shall be that sustaining power, through this day, through the night, through the World, through the times of coming, that thou shall stand before ME, that I AM able to keep thee as the apple of MY eye! And, if thou art the apple of MY eye, MY eye shall be continually upon thee, and IT shall not be taken from thee! But I say, SIN CAN TAKE MY EYE FROM MY PEOPLE! MY people, when they sin, I cannot look upon that! And it takes the blood of MY SON, saith the Spirit of God, the blood of the Savior. And I say, when this continually goes on and goes on, I say, there comes a time of no MORE: I SAY THERE IS NO MORE OFFERING! MY people must realize I AM calling MY people to come ABOVE this World, to seek ME to a higher level, that they would walk in MY SPIRIT, that they would walk, confessing ME daily, that they would no longer have the thoughts of the enemies of this World. There thoughts might be above this World, that they might come to a degree MY people might be a savior to those that is in darkness this day. I called MY church in this last hours that they would make up a hedge, that they would fill in the gap, but I say, FEW there be that have MY power in this last hour. I AM calling forth those this night that will seek ME. MY ones, I loveth thee! I AM calling you this night to rend thy self [to tear away from wrong, to fall down in great humility before God in deep, agonizing, intercessory pray]. Listen to MY Words, listen to ME! And if thou shall listen, I say, very shortly in its time, I shall move upon thee in a glorious way. And, I shall array MY church in this last hours. And MY church will come forth as shining gold! And I say, it shall shine, even the time that you are here. And I say, those that have forsaken ME, and those that have once known ME, and THEY SHALL SEE THE SHINE THAT IS UPON THY FOREHEAD. And they shall see MY glory! And they shall be envious. But they will not be able to recover, because that day will be shortened! And I say, only those that are seeking ME *NOW* will have enough time to maintain. Seek MY face! For I loveth thee, saith the Spirit of God. I know ahead of schedule what is going to take place. MY little folk, do NOT fear! For, it is MY delight to strengthen thee this night, to encourage thee! Come close! And I the Lord thy God shall pour upon thee a blessing. I shall give thee an inheritance that will fade not away. And I say, do not let the enemy come and take what I have given thee. I say, he will come. But I say, you must bind him, when he comes against you, when you feel that joy leaving you, BIND THAT! IT IS THE ENEMY ROBBING YOU! And I say MY people, **SPEAK IN MY NAME**, and I shall rescue thee! And thou shall grow! And thou shall be fattened with MY blessings. And I shall move upon thee, and I shall move in thee in a blessed way, IF thou shall seek MY face, and just love ME and depend on ME, in MY goodness. Yea, MY little folk, fear NOT, for I AM with thee, saith the Spirit of God!