Word From The Holy Spirit November 9, 1995 I AM here to minister to thee, MY ones. For I AM here as the counsel of MY Spirit. For I AM here to touch thee. For those here to tonight that do not believe that I AM HE: but, aye [yes], if thou cannot believe this, then you will speak to ME! But I AM here this night to reach out to thee, this night! I AM here to touch thee, to be merciful for thee. For, I loveth thee, MY ones. For I careth for thee. I have seen the sorrow within thee! I have seen the plagues the enemy has so combated against thee many times. And I AM here this night with a glorious blessing. And I would say the enemy has spared thee many times. But, I say this night I AM looking for a people, yea, in this last days that will condition themselves under MY guidelines, under MY blessings. And through those people, I the Lord thy God shall transfer them into a direction by the leadership of MY Spirit. And they will work a great work in this last days. And they will no longer be weary! And, they will no longer be plagued for the things that have once brought them down! And they will start walking in MY blessings. They shall walk with the courage of MY blessings upon them. And they shall KNOW that I AM the living God! And MY people, yea, for those that will NOT invest this day, I say, very shortly they will be dry. And, they will feel dryer as the time goes by! But I say, look into thy heart this night. If thou no longer has joy, thou must seek *ME*, for that joy is *ME*, saith the Spirit of God. Thy joy must be REAL! If you don't feel joy this night, COME this night and ask those to pray for thee that thou would receive that joy, abundantly. For I AM here this night to speak to MY people that MY people will no longer be hardened by the powers of darkness! For I say, many of MY people have walked in MY Spirit many, many years, have hardened their hearts in these last days. And they have hardened their hearts in the last days, and they question *MY* Spirit! They question *ME*! And I say, Aaron questioned Moses. I moved through Moses, MY people. But I say this night MY people must come. And MY people must seek ME. And MY people must follow the leadership of MY blessings and MY counsel. For I AM here this night to insulate thee, to surround thee with MY presence. For I say, the enemy has had his way in many of thy hearts of MY people. And, I AM this night beckoning to MY people, calling upon MY people with a special calling, with a special invitation, that [if] they shall come to ME this night, that I the Lord shall pour upon them MY covering. And I shall insulate them from the powers of darkness, and they will know that I live within their spirit, and in their bosom, and I shall reign with them, and I shall walk by their side, and they shall take counsel by *ME*, and I shall be the leadership. And, I shall be the government of that one, that individual. And they shall no longer be plagued by the things of darkness. Because those that will invest their selves in MY Spirit, I the Lord thy God shall put great wealth upon them and I shall BLESS them! And, I AM going to do a great work in these last days, says the Spirit of God. Even if man thinks that I cannot do it, I will seek out those hearts that will yield to *ME*. And with those hearts that will yield to *ME*, I will do a great work with those hearts, that will yield to *ME*! I say, that man might say that they are nothing. But, I shall take nothing and visit upon that one. And, that one shall move MIGHTILY, because he trusts in *ME*! I say the MIGHTY will not be able to oppose the little one, that is led by *MY* Spirit! I say, the one that has been educated by the great doctrines shall not be able to move upon as MY Spirit moves upon the little child, the little one that is anointed by MY Spirit! For MY Spirit is able. And through that you are more than conquerors to those that love *ME*! But, I AM looking for a people in this last days, that will walk in such faith, walk in such trust, knowing that I shall provide for them. And I shall keep them in the hallow of MY hand. And those that can believe this, to those I AM going to do great and mighty works, and to those that have faith in *ME* and walk in *MY* Spirit, and Joy, and walk in MY love, and MY counsel, I shall perform great and mighty acts in this last days. And, I say, it shall confound the hearts of those that have said "Nothing will take place in this last days." And their hearts will still be hardened! And they will not move, but they will see the power of the Spirit of God upon MY ones. And they will see the power of darkness being dissolved by those that have child-like faith, to those that believe that I AM HE that liveth and to those with child-like faith, I shall do a mighty work. I say, oh MY people, I say the World is looking for the mighty. But I say, I AM looking for those that will humble themselves unto MY mighty hand! I AM looking for those that will counsel via *ME*. For I shall richly bless those ones who will come and seek MY face, to those that will fall upon their faces, and fall upon their knees, and make *ME* the Lord of their life, and make *ME* the hope of their life, I the Lord thy God shall in-fill them with *MY* mighty power. I shall strengthen, yea, the feeble knees and their arms that have been fallen down, and they shall lift up and praise *ME*! And they shall move in a mighty power, a mighty artesian well of victory that overfloweth of MY Spirit within them. And they shall move as a mighty TORNADO, directed by MY mighty Spirit! May I say, they will not know where they going, but MY Spirit will lead them and will move upon them. If HE says the east, the west, I say whatever MY Spirit says, the one shall surrender his will unto *ME*. And through those I the Lord thy God shall restore them! And I shall have mercy on their homes! And I say even on their families, and their friends, and those that mean business with *ME* I shall be merciful, yea even those ones, because I see! Yea, even as Abraham was blessed, and his seed was blessed, I will bless thee, *MY* one this night, because of thy seed. For thy children's sake, for thy sake, for thy children! Yes, for their sake also, that they might be saved oh man, oh woman, that [if] thou can believe. For I will touch thee and I shall restore thee MY ones this night! I shall render that unto thee. I shall give thee a counsel of MY Holy Spirit. I say, the enemy, when he comes against thee, he will sway, when you speak *MY NAME*! I say, speak in the Name of Jesus! He (the enemy) has to bow! He has to retract! He has to return where he came from, that MY people would take their authority! And take MY Word and act upon MY Word, and act according to *MY* Spirit: MY people would be FAT, they would walk in holiness. And I will do a great work in these last days. I AM calling forth a remnant of MY people that will walk in victory. And ye shall see a GREAT restoration! Ye shall see a great revival, that [if] thou could stay together, one mind, one spirit: I shall cause thee that thou would be blessed. And I shall move upon those that come against thee. For those that would speak against thee, aye [yes], if thou shall give *ME* that problem, I shall fight off thy battle. And I shall keep thee! And I shall keep thee in the hallow of MY hand till that day. And I shall preserve thee forevermore. And I shall come upon thee. And thou shall be ready in that last days. And I say perilous times shall come in these last days. There is going to be a time of destruction upon this Earth. And I say, there shall be whirlwinds, there shall be tornados, there shall be earthquakes, there shall be diverse problems. And there shall be heartaches, there shall be sickness, there shall be pestilence, there shall be sickness and there shall be all kinds of destruction! But, I the Lord thy God shall lift upon MY people that will mean business in THIS day, that when THAT day comes they shall be prepared and they shall be ready! And they shall be ready when I exit through the clouds of glory. They shall meet *ME* at that time! And I have prepared for MY ones a glorious invitation. And I have given thee a banquet table! And I say, the banquet table is being blessed this day. For I AM calling forth a people, and I AM giving them a new name, a new hope. And I say when the visitation is coming through the clouds of glory: and I say, many of MY people will not see death, if they shall stay faithful, and allow MY Spirit to move WITHIN them! For I AM here this night to encourage THEE MY ones. I AM here that ALL would be saved tonight. I AM here to bless thee MY ones. Cannot thou receive that, saith the Spirit of God? I AM here! I AM here to bless thee! Be not afraid of ME saith the Spirit of God! For I AM here to touch thee, that MY blessings would give thee peace, day by day, moment by moment, that I should be the answer to all thy problems saith the Spirit of God. For I say, behold MY people, there is many mean people around about thee. And I say, if thou could see the blackness of the heart, those, many times who have a disguise on their foreheads. You think that they are all right. I say, the enemy has MANY, in his grip! And I say, through that grip of his, he will not let them go! And that is why I need a people, in this last days, that will be so dedicated to *ME*, says the Spirit of God, that they would advance and take preeminence, by the Spirit of God, that they would pray. And, when they speak *MY* Word, the enemy would be bound! And the captive that he has bound, he would be set free! And he would come and know *ME*. I have a work for thee, MY people! I have a glorious work for each one of thee! I have a place for each one of thee. I have a program that thou go out to the highways and byways and give this message to whosoever will. And, I shall give thee strength that the church might be added to in this last days. I say, for I AM calling some to go forth and be witnesses in the street corners. And proclaim MY Word through the knowledge of MY Spirit upon thee, that thou would do the work of an evangelist, that thou might do a work as I have called thee to be moved upon. And thou would be edified by *ME*, saith the Spirit of God. For I sought for a man, to make up a hedge, to fill in the gap. But I say, I have found few, saith the Spirit of God. I AM finding FEW that will really move in *MY* Spirit! I find those that have been walked in MY Spirit many years. And I say this day their spirit is hardened! I say, they do not have that same first love! And this night, MY people, thou must recognize that I AM here to give thee that rekindling of *MY* Spirit, that thou would have *MY* first love within thee, that I should anoint thee from the very crown of thy head to the very sole of thy feet. For I have a program and a special touch for each one of thee. But I say, do not come against *MY* servant, no longer. Don't come against *MY* ones that walk in the Spirit. Because when you do that it brings great damage to thine own spirit. And I say, thou can pray, and pray, and pray, but there shall be a time *MY* people must walk in *MY* Spirit! I say it is now! My people must take allegiance now. They must take courage now, that now is the accepted time, because I say the day is very short, the night is far spent, the day is at hand. Let us therefore cast off all the works of darkness. And let us put on the whole armor of light. We must have a lightning of MY Spirit, saith the Spirit of God. For I AM calling forth a holy people, a yielded people that would no longer do some sin when MY Spirit was within them! They become beggarly! They become liars! And they become imitators of *ME*! And I say MY Spirit is real! And I say that is why MY works has been so depleted! Because I say, the leadership of many of MY people: I say the true SPIRIT is NOT there! There is a way that seemeth right, but the end thereof they despise, they reject. They call upon *ME* with great prayers and great admonition. They even seek *MY* face. They read *MY* precious Word. But they do not want *ME* to interfere with their lives. They don't want *ME* to speak to their hearts. And they do not want to be yielded to "thus saith the Spirit of God." Many do not want this, saith the Spirit of God. I read the hearts of *MY* people! I know them! I understand them, because I made them! But, *MY* people are bound! And *MY* people must be set free. I AM calling forth a people, a people that will yield to *ME*! For I say, so long *MY* churches have been plagued, that MY Spirit has never been moved. But, I say, *MY* Spirit has been very grieved. And HE has been penned up too long, saith the Spirit of God! HE wants to move in all those hearts, that will make their hearts ready for HIM, that they will make this temple the abode of the ONE that lives within them! And I say, if that shall be done, that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost shall, all three, be upon that one. And, I say, even though the whole World would go against that one man, I the Lord thy God shall aid them. And I say, even if the whole World would come against them, I say, the powers of darkness would come against them. Aye [Yes], they should survive! And that one shall LIVE! Because I shall proclaim that one. I say, even the whole WORLD would go to Hell, thou does not have to, says the Spirit of God! For I AM speaking plain this night, saith the Spirit of God! I AM speaking about your families, your friends, your relatives, those that had that easy message in their ears so long. And they have heard that everything is just so. But, I say I have longed for the time that I would speak to *MY* people by *MY* Spirit. I have SO LONGED for a time when a man would speak by the Spirit of God. I sought for a man. And I have sought for THEE this night, that thou would be courageous and reject the words that thou hast spoken against ME. And this night that thou might walk in victory. But I would FORGIVE THEE, in thy misconducts! But I say, *MY* people have walked, not willfully, but THEY HAVE WALKED IN GREAT DECEIT FROM *ME*. But I say, that deception has taken place moment, by moment, by moment, inch by inch, until it has grown by degree. Now there is not much of *MY* Spirit within many of *MY* people. But, I say, they have a form of godliness, but they deny *MY* power. And I say, does not *MY* Word say, "...from such turn away?" It is *MY* obligation of *MY* people to COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM!!! Come ye out from among THEM saith I, the Lord, that thou might be a special people, that thou would be an anointed people, that thou would walk in perfect harmony, that thou would walk by the profitable move of *MY* Spirit WITHIN THEE, that thou would encourage, that thou would be a leader in this last days, that thou would NO LONGER have thy head upon the floor, that thou would no longer have thy knees bent down with no power within your bosom, no concern about what is going forth. But I say, if *MY* people endure this last day, and they will endure *MY* chastisement, that I would come to them. And they will walk as the mighty! They will walk and soar as eagles! And they will work as the visitation of *MY* Spirit wants to work in these last days. For I say *MY* coming is soon! But I say, WHERE ARE *MY* SAINTS, says the Spirit of God?? I AM coming for a visitation in this last days. I AM reaching-out [extending] the time, that I say *MY* people would return to *ME*. They would return because I love those ones. But I say, the enemy comes at the door daily. He comes! And tomorrow if you don't come against this, says the Spirit of God, he will come against this Word that is taking place now, which is by *MY* Spirit! AND, THOU MUST COMBAT THAT EVIL ONE, when he speaks even tomorrow or tonight. And you tell him THIS IS FROM *ME*, says the Spirit of God. And if ye shall do that, ye shall live! BUT IF YE DENY THIS, YE SHALL DIE!