Word From The Holy Spirit September 3, 1995 There is very troubled times before thee. Be careful with thy mouth. Be careful with thy heart. Be careful what thou declares. But I say, because of out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. And I say in this last days, I say, many say that they know ME. But in reality their mouth does not speak that, their heart does not speak that. And many have a form of ME, but deny MY power. And does not MY Word say from such turn away? [See 2nd Timothy 3:5] Does not MY Word say thou must come out from this World, that thou must be a separated people, thou must be a holy people. Come to ME this day. Learn of ME. No longer be hungering after the things of this World. No longer walk the cares of this World. No longer lust after the pride of life. No longer want the things that you see, or desire those things. For I AM here this day to help those ones. And I AM showing you this day what is around thee. I say, it is not just here, it is everywhere. I say the enemy is lurching, as predator, to the prey, which is mankind. He is coming against all of Mine that hath accepted the Name of MY Son, all of those that have accepted and acknowledged MY Son as Savior. I say he is coming to take away. He is coming to steal. He is coming to destroy. He is coming to kill their experience, that I have given them. And I say, many times he does this. He comes in, in a very profane, a very powerful way, a very detestable way. He comes in a way that man does not know. He comes in the rear door, many times. But, MY people must be aware this day that I say there is perilous times before this World. There is powers of darkness that comes upon MY people. They do not understand. They feel discouraged. They feel they don't even know, many times, what is taking place. But I say, does not MY Word say, that MY people must not walk in confusion? And when MY people are in confusion [that] is when they do not understand MY will. Am not I able to lead MY people in a straight path? Am not I able to do a great work among MY people? Am not I able to command the powers of darkness to be put back if MY men will speak this, and they will speak for ME, they will be MY mouth piece? And I shall use them for MY glory. For I AM calling forth a people that will refrain themselves from the cares of this World. And they will not be afraid of the things of this World. But yet, they will be afraid of ME. They will walk before ME in fear of ME, saith the Spirit of God. But, they will not be afraid of this World because I, the Lord thy God, shall under gird them. And I shall strengthen them. And I will uphold them with MY mighty hand. And I will even protect them. And I shall keep them from all harm. And I shall give them insight. I shall give them strength. And I shall help them. And I shall give them strength to fore bear the powers of the enemy that would come against them, and the things that would keep them off key, that would keep them off balance. I shall bring them back to perfect balance, to perfect peace, if they will call upon MY Name. And I say, what is wrong with MY people: THEY DO NOT PRAY ENOUGH, saith the Spirit of God. They do not call upon MY Name enough. And I say, many that I have gifted with MY Spirit, they do not pray in that heavenly language. They do not pray enough. They do not come to that place of intercessory prayer with ME. They do not fall on their face. They do not take time to seek MY face. They do not take time to read MY Word. They are always doing things that is not according to ME. And through that they are very lean. Their lives are very, very far from ME. And they do not understand MY way because, I AM calling forth a people that will surrender, a people that would dedicate themselves to *ME*, a people that will not, no longer, walk in the flesh, that they will be open to ME. But I say, many times, when MY Spirit is going to speak, they try to interfere. And HE is only there to help them, to strengthen them, to move upon them. And I AM here to deliver MY people. But I say MY people must remember that I work through man. I say, and MY people can't understand that. They think that they have a pastor that is paid by a salary, by a denomination, yet I work through that man. And I say that is not of ME. I say, yes, I have used that. I have used that many times. But I say I AM the leader. I AM able to call a man from dust. And I AM able to make a man out of dust. And through that I AM able to produce a man, a woman that would walk in MY allegiance, that would walk according to MY dictations. And they would be moved upon as I move upon them. And they would speak as I move upon them to speak. And I say, for I AM calling forth many in this way, that they would understand that I AM calling forth a mighty army in this last days. But, I say many are not willing. And as I said it was for Gideon, I say, THAT percentage is in THIS day. [300 divided by 32,000 equals .9375 percent, not even 1 percent. The Spirit is saying that barely one Christian out of every 107 Christians will come totally to God!!!] There is many that are called, but I say few will really come and know ME. There will be few that will come and acknowledge ME as Lord and Savior. And I say, at that day of judgment these will all be in MY hands. And I will be the righteous ONE that judges. And I will tell no man of MY judgment, only at that day they will know at that time. But I say, while thou art here, MY people must refrain, and come totally to ME. For I AM HE that judgeth all things. But I say, if MY people do not realize that I AM also going to have another judgment. And I say that I will give those that will live for ME, a righteous life in this life. Will not I repay them beyond their imagination? Am not I a God, if a man works for ME all of his life, will not I remember that saith the Spirit of God? Will not I give him a great crown? Will not I give him a great wealth? Will not I give him houses and land in that years that he will be the minister to many? Am not I able to multiply the blessings? But I say, MY people do not even think about that! They think if they will just make it in [to Heaven]. And I say that is not enough for ME, saith the Spirit of God. For I do not want men to JUST enter in. But I want them to invest in ME, that they will plan to take their lives in MY hands. And allow ME to move upon them. For I can take an old shoe, an old worn out piece of nothing, and I can rebuild that. And that man that is worth nothing, that man, I can rebuild that man until that man will glitter. And the World will not see it, but he will have a heart of ME. And I will give him a new heart. And I will give him a new mind. And I will destroy the works of darkness that has formerly been put within his being. And he will no longer even remember those old past ways. For those that will surrender, am not I the Holy God? Am not I able to do great works? Am not I able to shield MY people? Am not I able to comfort them? Am not I able to do great things? Am not I able to bring healing to MY ones that will yield themselves to ME? For I AM calling a people that will be dedicated to ME. And I say, MY servant, many times, when he speaks, MY people cannot understand when he says that My people must surrender. And I say when he even shares. But I say I AM HE that placed these words within him! I AM HE that hath caused him to think these things. For I say within himself he would say nothing! But I AM calling for such to be leaders, for those that will not say nothing within themselves. But when I say within them, aye, then they will move as I move. And that is the kind of people that I AM calling forth saith the Spirit of God, that they will no longer take, inside of their own pride, their own wealth of information, that they have had from former pasts of times, and the accumulation of times past, that they have this great wealth of words. They have this great wealth of knowledge. And, I say THAT is nothing! That is dung to ME, saith the Spirit of God! That is dung to ME! For I AM calling a people that will refine themselves, and allow ME to speak through them. Not through their own pride, through their own intellect. But, they will speak great words. And they will not be swelling words of natural man. But they will be moved upon by ME, saith the Spirit of God. Come close to ME! And thou must rally because I have commissioned thee to do a great work in this City. And if thou shalt come and believe together, in thy hearts. And, tell those around about thee to move in this area, I the Lord have plans for thee. And I shall move upon thee. And thou shall move in a mighty way. I say, very shortly there is going to be troublesome times in this World. There is going to be a time of decay. And right now is the time that thou must plan. And thou must tell others to help. Thou must support this ministry. Thou must call others into this ministry. But I say, very shortly, there is going to be a time of Job's trouble. There is going to be a time, and this World will decay. I say, this Land, if time permits, there will be no money in this United States, saith the Spirit of God. I say there is a day of depletion, that they are using up time that they do not even have. They are using money that they do not have. I say, they are borrowing on nothing! And I say I AM HE that liveth. And I say the World problems are at the place that I say that I AM the answer for all the situations. And I say it is time the anti-Christ will arise. And he will come with the answers. But at that time MY people must be vacated. MY people must be gone, because I say at that time there is going to be a great problem. There is going to be whoredoms of evil spirits that is going to vex this Land as have never been seen. I say, there is going to be powers of darkness that will even deceive the very elect. Of that day I say there will even be hospitals that will be healed by the powers of darkness. And I say, thou must be gone, because thou would not be able to stand even against those things. MY people, I say, it is going to be a trying time. It is going to be a day of torture. It is going to be a day that thou has been committed to ME, that thou will live in this Earth. And if thou cannot stand now, how can you stand when the days of oppression comes. If thou cannot live for ME now, how can you live at that time? And I say if thou was here THIS day, and thou will miss out at THAT day, at THAT day you will cry! You will cry and others will cry. They will lament, because, I say, there would be things thou would say in thine heart, "If I would have changed I would be gone! I would not be here no longer!" And I say there would only be a short time then. And I say at that time, they shall enter into the heavenly realms, whether Hell or Heaven, saith the Spirit of God. But I AM calling forth those that will come after the minute, the wedding supper. Oh, the wedding supper will be so special! I will help thee! But I say, listen to what I AM saying, saith the Spirit of God! Do not speak!! My men, listen! Listen to Me! Listen to Me! That is why MY people are not hearing, saith the Spirit of God. Because they will not be quiet to hear ME! They interfere! And I say that is why MY people are not hearing. They speak all the time. And they won't hear from ME. Render the things that are unto ME! And render the things of this World. And thou must determine this day, in thy heart, thou must serve ME. For I AM here as a jealous God, a holy God. And I say, as that holy time, and that occasion, as that wedding feast shall come to pass. And I say there is going to be a great day: that rejoicing that has never been. But I say on the other time [back in the World], there will be at that same time those to be cast out and be reserved until the day of judgment. And they will be at a place that will not be, no longer, a place of joy. But it will be the opposite, a place of wrath. And I say, MY people, this is going to take place in this World. How can thou look upon this World and not be concerned about the cares of the other people? If thou has MY love in thy heart, are thou not concerned about thy brother? Are thou not concerned about thy sister? Are thou not concerned about [the Lord names the City]? Are thou not concerned about this Nation? Are thou not concerned about what is going to take place? My people must pray. And they must seek MY face. And make sure, no longer take insight to their own selfish ways, their own selfish needs. But, realizing the time is very short. The day of MY coming is coming very soon. I say, come close. Come close! For I say this is just the very beginning, the very tip of the iceberg what I AM going to do for thee. I AM going to do great things, if thou will surrender. And if thou shall speak this to thy people. I say, for I say the ministry is not in the hand of the speaker right now. Much of this ministry is in thine own hands, saith the Spirit of God. For I AM going to use thee, yea, even the little ones to go out to compel those to come in, to hear. And I say that [if] they shall come, they will hear. And they will receive. But I say MY people must be diligent. They must invite. They must do the work. They must go out and be helpers in this vineyard. For I have a work, a commission to be done in these last days. And MY people must be not wanting, no longer, in the balance. But they must be avengers for ME. They must be walking in MY victory that they might no longer fulfill the lusts of the flesh. But, they would walk in victory, saith the Spirit of God.