Word From the Holy Spirit August 17, 1995 For I have a ministry for thee, MY ones. And I say MY words have been strong, saith the Spirit of God. And I say many times I have watched thee to see if thou would buckle. But I say thou has stood strong. And I AM here this night to encourage thee that I have plans for thee MY ones. And, I have a place for thee. And, I have a work for thee. And, I have a calling for thee. I have an anointing for thee. For I have called thee each, individually, that thou might work as only thou can work for ME. I say no one can take the place of where I have called thee. For thou art special in MY eyes. Each one of thee is the apple of MY eye. For I have called thee in different ways. Thou art a different ray, a different bouquet. I say in a bouquet of flowers, as I created saith the Spirit of God, there are many colors. There is violets. There is reds. There is pinks. There is purples. There is yellows. There is orange. There is all colors. And yea, I the Lord thy God made these colors. And I say MY beloved, yea, thou make up with MY bouquet. And also in MY callings, they are very special. For I AM here this night to love thee MY ones, to show thee MY love, to thee. For thou has stood strong through the times that I have spoken to thee. And for that, this day, that thou might walk up before ME. And I the Lord thy God am here this night that I would call thee, that thou would walk a step higher. Come closer to ME! Come to ME and seek ME. And if thou shall surely seek ME, thou shall not be found wanting in that day. For I have seen many subjects of Mine that have once known ME. I say there is many that have heard MY wonderful works. There is many have known MY Word. And, they have accepted MY Son, Jesus. They have accepted the power of the Holy Ghost, saith the Spirit of God. But, I say tonight they have lost that. They have lost their first love. And now MY people, now, [thou] must pray for the City. Thou must seek MY ways and thou must pray that MY people might be detoured from the pathway that they have found themselves in. They are like within a whirlwind. And it says that it can only be as thee would pray and call upon MY Name and run interference, that those can be saved. I say the power of darkness has come upon this Earth. I say many of MY churches have been filled with MY glory, no longer even mention the Name of My Spirit. They very seldom ever mention the Name of My Son, saith the Spirit of God. I say this day I AM coming forth for a peculiar people, a people that will believe that I AM the Lord thy God that giveth forth MY Son Jesus, and hath given forth the power of the Holy Ghost. And, I give forth a holy unction. And I give forth a holy anointing. For I AM calling thee, that thou would not be wanting in that day. But I the Lord thy God would fill thee and over thrill thee with MY Spirit, that I would fill thy cup with overflowing, with MY abundance of MY good things, that MY blessing shall be upon thee, and I should give thee a crown even upon this earth, that men will not see, but I would see it within thee. But, I would know that thou art been faithful. And I say as thou would be faithful and remain where I have put thee, and I would move upon thee with MY Spirit, I shall do great things in these last days. For I AM looking for a committed people, a people that will no longer look to their own selfish wishes, their own selfish ways. But, they will be concerned what I the Lord thy God careth, and what MY Word says. And they will walk in MY Spirit, and they will walk in MY Word. They will eat MY Word, live in MY Word, follow MY Word. And I the Lord thy God shall bring them up to the place that they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. I say there is very perilous times before MY people. I say there is a time as Job's trouble, and a time spoken in the word of Daniel saith the Spirit of God, a time that has never been upon this World. And, I say that time is coming very soon. And I say, did not MY Word say that if I did not shorten that day, that the very elect would not be saved, saith the Spirit of God. For I say that many of MY people which are called by MY Name, this night, do not humble themselves, no longer. I say they have a form of godliness, but they deny MY power. From such, I said that MY Word says, from such turn away, MY people. Thou must come out from Babylon. Thou must come out of the things of darkness. Thou must come out, that thou might be a separated people, a holy people. For I say, does not MY Word say: what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God. As God has said, I will dwell with them. I will walk with them. And I will be their God and they shall be MY people. Therefore, come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you. And I will be a Father unto you. And ye shall be MY sons and daughters saith the Lord Almighty. Having therefore these promises beloved let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. Does not MY Word say love not the World, neither the things that are in the World? For if any man loveth the World the love of the Father is not in him. Does not the battle that I cause thee to move upon, is not it a very harsh battle? Is not it a very trying battle? But I say, it will be prosperous for thee. For MY people, if thou shall invest in *ME*, I will prosper thee. And I say it will not be very long when even [I] will give thee a joy that thou has never known. When thou are fighting the good fight of faith I shall give thee a peace as thou hast never had. And I shall give thee a joy as thou hast never had. I say you might say within thyself, "It's a hard way!" But I the Lord thy God seethe that. And I shall comfort thee in these last days. They will not be hard for thee. It will be hard for those that walk in their own war faring way. The man of sin: [it] is going to be hard for them in sin. But I say if MY people come out from sin they shall be special. And I the Lord thy God shall touch them. It will be MY delight to array them, even in these last days before this World, that they would know this is MY people. For I say at that time it will be too late for many of those that see this. They will not have time to reverse, because the powers of darkness will have so overtaken them. They will not be able to return and come back to that first love. It will be like as of the five [virgins in Matthew 25] that were wise and the five that were foolish, saith the Spirit of God. I say they [the foolish] will not have time to come back and take that oil. They will not have time! And this day thou must be diligent MY people. Thou must be praying! Thou must seek ME if thou has ever prayed, sought Me before. And I the Lord thy God loveth thee this night! Get it into thy heart this night, saith the Spirit of God, I LOVETH THEE! Come seek ME! Because this night thou must make a declaration of ME saith the Spirit of God! And it won't be open saith the Spirit of God. It will be [to] ME as through thy inner vows. And through those inner vows I will speak to thee, to thy heart this night. And through that, thou will make that vow. And MY people, I say do not take a vow unless thou art able to keep that vow! But, I say this night I will love thee if thou will just try, that [if] thou will just say, "I will try, Lord to serve YOU." Yes, I will help thee. But, I shall move upon thee. It won't be very long and thou will say, "I will move with THEE." I will grow even to a greater depth, MY people. Come to ME this night. Encourage those that are bound. I say many are bound this night. Many are oppressed by the powers of darkness. And many do not know that they have been bound. And many are in the religious realm. And I say that spirit of religion is in OUR people. It is in OUR churches saith the Spirit of God. It has come on, in a very powerful way. And I say that anytime that MY Spirit comes into the church, they counteract MY Spirit. And they do not want MY Spirit to come into that group. They do not want the move of MY Spirit. And I say it is very real. I say you just walk into that place and you will know saith the Spirit of God. YOU WILL KNOW that you are not welcome. YOU KNOW because MY Spirit is real. And I say if MY Spirit is there, there is liberty. And I AM here this night to teach thee, to show thee, MY ways. And I AM not a God of wrath, but I AM here to touch MY people. But I say there will be a judgment very soon. And I say when the sheep are brought forth; and, I say when the goats are brought in, I say there is going to be a judgment upon this Earth. And I say I AM going to do a dividing saith the Spirit of God. And for those that are ready, [they] are going to go into everlasting love with ME saith the Spirit of God. But I say those that are not prepared shall go out into outer darkness, where there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. I say, thou knowest many that are in that area saith the Spirit of God. Thou must do a work as an evangelist saith the Spirit of God. Thou must work as a teacher saith the Spirit of God. Thou must assemble yourselves for the purpose of telling others: they need to come into that closer walk. For I AM desirous of MY people. For I love those that have once loved ME. For I AM married to the back slider saith the Spirit of God. But very soon I AM going to withdraw MY time upon this World. And then MY Spirit is going to be drawn to MY people, MY people Israel. And I say that time is growing short. I AM hearing their cry! I AM hearing the blood of Israel! And I AM coming very soon. The gates [are] going to be, and the times are going to be shortened to the days of the Gentiles saith the Spirit of God. And in that time I AM going to open [start] MY move upon MY people [Israel], that last remnant. And then, I say, that great and final day will be very soon. And I AM coming soon! I AM coming for a prepared people, a people that is ready. For I loveth thee MY ones. Come close to ME! Seek MY face! And I will be found in thee, MY loved ones!