If you have difficulty with the messages, I would recommend that you go to your Christian Book Store and pick up a copy of an older book entitled: God Calling, edited by A.J. Russell, and Published by Fleming H. Revell. That little book came about through two English ladies whom the Holy Spirit came upon in a somewhat similar manner in the 1930s. Perhaps that book will speak to you and lay a foundation for this type of prophetic word.
Each day a different prophetic message will be available when you click on the TODAY'S NEWS FROM HEAVEN link. Currently, there are scores of these prophecies dating back to the mid-1990s. Yet, they are timeless.
You will also find a link that will take you to the archive of all the transcribed prophecies. The archive is arranged by date, most recent words are first.
We no longer transcribe prophecies and sermons into written form because of time constraints. Instead we provide MP3 and some OGG Vorbis audio files of sermons with prophecy. You can download these by returning to the main page and clicking the LISTEN TO A RECENT SERMON link.
Also notice that there is a small archive of long past Sermons poured through Brother Freedom
Many of the written messages begin with a string of periods. This is to indicate to you that a few words were not recorded and are lost. This happened because the words would come suddenly as the Holy Spirit would move upon Brother Freedom. I would miss those few words while reaching for the record button on my tape recorder. Please forgive me for not getting the recorder turned on quickly enough.
Anointed Christian Links An alphabetical listing of Christian websites - each with a jar of anointing oil. |